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This website (http://lindilej.wixsite.com/lunilum) is a personal blog and its content is mainly personal experiences, thoughts and opinions of the writer (me).
I - The writer of this blog - am in no way an expert in any field of knowledge and I do not give out professional advice and therefore should the information found on this blog not be viewed as professional and reliable advice that can be trusted as such.
The information on this website/blog could be wrong and should not be relied upon.
Though the information provided on this website/blog is accurate to the best of my knowledge, errors and omissions of information may have entered out of my reach of knowledge. There might also be some old information that is not up-to-date and therefore should be not considered reliable.
If anyone still decides to rely on information presented on this website/blog this website and its owner will not be held liable for such reliance. It will be at the readers own risk to do so.
There is no guarantee that the content and information on this website is accurate, reliable, complete or up-to-date.
In no way is the information on this website a substitute for professional advice.
The information presented on this website is for the purposes of entertainment and as a self-expression for the writer.
Please, do not see any of the information presented as any sort of advice whether it be medical, legal, emotional, nutritional etc. advice.
Before taking any sort of action upon the information presented on this website the reader should consult with a professional.
Reservation of Rights
I (the writer and owner of this blog) reserve the right to change this website/blog in any direction and at any time I want it to take, including focus of the content on this website and the management of it.
© Lunilum 2019 ©
Unauthorised use of information and/or images from this website without consent from owner/author is prohibited. Information and images used with consent are only to be used for personal use.