Bad Weather Fishing

Yesterday was a cloudy, grey, rainy day and the waves were hitting the shores and what thing would've been better to do than.... stay home and watch a movie? Nope.
Go bowling with friends? Nope again.
Spend the day climbing slippery, sharp lava rocks and go fishing in Namwon? Yup. 👍

Well, I didn't fish though. I just wandered around in my rain poncho gazing at the sea and then just sat down looking at the dramatic waves (that seemed to just get bigger and scarier for every minute) and those who were actually fishing.
No fish were caught - except for that one I caught on camera ^^

Before steering our way through the fogs back to the city we had some Mulhoi (물회) which is like a soup with raw stuff in it - this one had raw abalone and cuttlefish in it.
It was my first time trying that kind of soup and it was all right. The soup was cool and very flavorful with chili and sesame and I think there were some perilla leaves in it as well. And a bunch of other yummy stuff. YUM!
However, raw fish is fine but anything more jelly-like than that is a bit harder for me to eat raw. But maybe it's something one just has to get used to.. ^^

Then, with damp shoes and hair, I was still quite happy. Being at the seaside is always giving and freeing of stress.
It seems that doing nothing and just watching the waves sometimes is all I need.
At least it looked very dramatic, didn't it?
The fish also seemed to enjoy it - they were jumping out of the water! As I said above I actually caught one on camera while jumping. It's quite far away so one has to look very carefully. haha
Here is a little montage I put together.. ^^