Floral Delight
I already posted a lot of cherry blossoms and the season for them has passed. Or so I thought.

Another kind of cherry blossom is in full bloom at the moment - apparently referred to as 'ichiyo cherry blossom' (I'm not sure about the Korean name but TY calls them 왕벚꽃 (King Cherry))

It's nice that they don't all bloom at the same time ^^ And I love how they grow in bundles, like pretty bouquets.

The texture is so so soft and cool because the petals are very thin and delicate. I just want to get my whole face in there haha XD

Standing beneath the tree a fresh scent of something between rose and cucumber can be sensed. Just a light floral pleasant one.

I wish I had a bathtub full of petals to take a nap in. ^^

Mysigt! De är så mjuka och goa! 😍
Oh I just LOVE these trees🌸💕 That’s the one we had in our garden🌸🌸🌸