WiFi Password Signs
Lately I decided to make a WiFi sign for our home. I was tired of always have to climb up and take a look at the router (yes we have it on a shelf close to the ceiling - don't ask me why) as soon as we got a new device or guest. 😂
And I have also seen many cafes and restaurants have some cute WiFi password signs so I thought I would just doodle one quick and easy. 😄
This is not really a "how-to-do-it"-post with full instructions and everything (simply because it's so easy and can be varied and personalised in a million ways) but I do have one tip!
Buy a frame you like first or measure up on the paper how big you actually want the sign to be and then draw margins inside those lines. Basically - measure before you start drawing.
I didn't really do that while making the first sign so it turned out much bigger than the others, but that's OK too.
For our home I decided to have a simple and clear one with the password written big and with some cute details.
Therefore I put two little narwhals - I love narwhals! - at the edges and then just put the password big and fancy beneath those.

It was so easy and fun to make so I got hungry for more! But why would I need more than one in our little apartment?
No. I didn't. So instead I made a few for some friends and one for my sister.
These I wanted to make a bit more personal and I started with Linns.

It had to be about her little fluff ball for a kitten; Milo. He is way cuter than my little doodle but I still think it turned out OK. 👌
For Heidi, my beloved sister, I made a pig themed one because of the obvious - her nickname is "Grisen" - the Pig 🐷 - and it has been her favourite animal for like 2 decades. 🐽 😂

And now down here is the last one I made. I actually opted for a very clean look but suddenly I got crazy and started doodling away! 😑

I'm sorry Libby if it is too much ㅠㅠ ?? But you do like drama and you know; no WiFi = no drama. 😉 haha
Anyway that's all. I hoped you liked it and maybe someone got a tiny bit inspired 😂 hihi.
