Summer Rush
It's summerrrrr and my Insta-feed has been spammed all month by celebrating (mostly Swedish) friends XD Eversince the heat came back after a loooong winter I've been seeing one barbecue picture after the other followed by happy pictures by the sea, someone taking the summer's first dip in the not yet so warm ocean or simply just a glass of white at sunset. Here's a little doodle matching my instafeed.

I always loved to see a hibernating city coming back to life each spring and summer and how people are enjoying themselves on the streets, beaches, balconies, parks and any other roofless spots really. That is one thing I've come to miss a bit while being in Korea. Hearing laughters from candle lit verandas in a summer night's twilight. That overall atmosphere of a collective celebration. Hot sunny summer days aren't especially scarce here in Korea so that rush is not as apparent. I feel like people know there will be hot sunny summer days ahead so the beach can and will wait for them.
But those summers of northern Europe though... They are so difficult to predict and sometimes end up in rain and broken dreams >< So I do understand why this summer craze and "spam" on social media must happen but I just felt like giving it some attention. ^^
