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Random thoughts on cooking & crocodiles


Now, I enjoy baking. It's both fun and relaxing and I love bread and sweets. Also, it's not something I have to do every day. And when I do it I can calmly do it at my own pace one step at a time.

Cooking, on the other hand, is a different story.

There are multiple things to do at the same time and it should all be done and finished at about the same time so it will keep warm until devour time. I find myself running around doing at least 10 things at once (<-- sooooo not exaggerating XD) with arms flopping here and there like an octopus, spilling things on the tables and floor and... Whew!

This is of course something that's got to be done every single day. -. -

And if it all burns or doesn't turn out well that rumbling tummy still needs it so down it goes.

(Yes, this is my time to whine. 😂 )

I actually even find eating time a bit annoying. No wait! I love love LOVE food and eating, BUT! When I'm in the middle of some project or task I simply forget or postpone that meal time.

"I'm just gonna *insert task* first! Then lunch!"

>4 hours later<

*dying from hunger and totally forgot about that lunch*.

So here's where the crocodiles come in. 🐊

chillaxing crocodile doodle

The common crocodile eat about once a week but could stay alive without eating for a whole year! :O :O :O

Now, that sounds really sad for someone who loves to eat, but if I was a croc I could simply eat when I felt like it. 👍

I mean, crocs seem rather cool, floating around all day in some slightly muddy waters chilling. 😎 I could do that! ... ?

I'm not so sure about those sudden attacks and death rolls though...

Maybe I just need to try harder on that cooking. I actually got a bit better at it. (and neither was it me burning the meatballs last time! 😁)

But I could still go and float around somewhere when I feel like it, right? 😉

If you have any tip how to make cooking time more enjoyable, please share it with me :)

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