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The 10 steps of packing a suitcase (for anxious procrastinaters like myself)


Summertime!! 😄 ...and with summer some travelling usually comes a long and with travelling there's always those bags that needs to be packed. 

For experienced travellers packing a bag is probably no big deal, but for some others it might cause some stress, especially for procrastinaters like myself. 

Its funny how my brain suddenly come to think of totally random things that it would like me to do when I have something way more important and urgent to do!

Why is that?! XD 

And I thought I'd just share my "routine" for packing my bags for a long trip ^. ~

*Psst! This is just for fun, don't worry! I'm ok! ;D*

Step 1: Prepare your clothes and a bag by spreading them all over the bed or floor and start packing slooooowly and in an utterly structured manner. 

(a few hours later) Step 2: As the time passes and nothing seem to come together panic starts creeping down your spine.  Step 3: Now the task starts to get tough, increased risk of sweating.  Step 4: Time to take a break - drink a glass of water, lemonade, vinegar or whatever available drinkables or edibles to get a boost of energy.  Step 5: Watch the pile on the floor and squirm. Step 6: Spend at least 20 minutes sitting helpless on the floor staring into space while regretting that you did not start to pack earlier. Step 7: Anything could happen here.  Step 8: Weep a bit over the fact that you do not have any clothes, but at the same time, have too much of them to fit in your bag.  (This sobbing part is necessary and cannot be skipped.)  Step 9: Wipe the tears and your nose and carefully pack the bag with regained energy and optimism and go to bed as everyone else already did since it's probably around 2 o' clock in the morning.  Step 10: Sleep. Or yes, that would be nice, but here is where the worrying part and writing on list of forgotten things starts and will keep you awake for at  least one hour more. Happy travelling~!!

Yep. This is me in 90% of all cases when packing my suitcase for anything longer than a weekend.

In the last month I packed at least 3 times and 

I knew I would relive every point on the list in my attempt to pack as I had done every time before.

However, writing down the list in fun and realising that it is embarrassingly correct I just felt: 'Enough of this nonsense!'

And so I did it different this time. I still procrastinated a bit but there was no anxiety and giving up half way. *proud* XD

Does anyone have the same problem? Please let me know 👍😂 

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