Music in the rain

The rain pitter-patters against the windows and sings along to the music from the room next door where he sits and plays a somewhat tottering tune he's still getting used to.
Two soothing sounds I like so much.
The best thing I know is to fall asleep to the sound of rain.
Lately, I have become more fond of rain than usual. So much so that I often check my weather app to keep track of the coming week and if I have any rainy evenings and nights to look forward to. Haha 😂
It sounds pretty ridiculous now when I write it out like this. Maybe even more so since it is January and I probably should long for snow instead, but frankly snow here in Jeju is pretty scarce (except in the mountains) and even when it finally comes, it resembles more a mayfly than a heavy sleeping bear...
But rain is quite OK too, isn't it? ^^