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The Tale of Sun & Moon


The sun is shining in a clear blue sky

giving daylight and warmth to all nearby

Every evening it gets tired and sleepy

slowly backs down to give room for the creepy

A beautiful moon rises like a pearl in the dark

to guard the dreams of the trees in the park

They keep on taking shifts and rarely meet

but there's a different story, and you're in for a treat

Once the sun was only a boy

in his eyes was the glow of joy

A new day a new play a new act

no thing too scary when nothing he lacked

Everyone he knew was as thrilled as him

to be full of energy and life to the brim

One day the boy with eyes filled with sun

saw a somewhat different kind of fun

There in the shadows a heart full with moon

sat a pearl causing the boy to swoon.

Her hair glimmering with cold light

her smile peculiar like a bright night

Never had the warm rays in his eyes

shone upon something ever so pure from lies

He daringly asked her to with him dine

and then boldly requested "be mine"

He was a sun and she was the moon

And forever couldn't come too soon

Everyday new things to discover

The many nuances of their lover

Time passed and the boy saw her smile

The never-changing force of his exile

For a while that calm smile had him taken

But for no laughter could her smile be shaken

A much livelier girl the boy sought

and made her cry silver tears in deep thought

A daughter of the sun would rather be

a much better girl for you than me

I will forever be too shy to brightly shine

And here left in the shadows I'll be fine

Instead let a ray of your light

Cast a shimmer into my night

Thru the light of your eyes

I can glimmer steady and wise

A heart like hers bound to the moon

Could never sing such a sunny tune

His demands could not be met

Only gloom was to be caught in his net

His mistake he saw and had to choose

her love, the one too precious to lose

Quietly illuminating a sky so dark

The silence her crown and unique is her mark

Forgive me my precious for now I can see

you could never become a sun like me

I see, you only wanted me to learn

Yet what you gave to me was a burn

I belong in the night and you in the day

I'm sorry but it'll be better that way

From afar let your rays shine

Upon me and this dark kingdom of mine

A beautiful moon rises like a pearl in the deep

to guard the dreams of those who sleep.

The sun keeps shining everyday so bright

But within secretly hides his inner fight

The two will only briefly meet

By dusk and dawn forever on repeat..

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