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A little friend


Recently we got a little friend. A little furry four-legged friend.

She was the pet of a close friend of ours but he didn't have much space and for her and so he asked us if we would like to take her instead.

Taeyang thought that she was too cute to turn down so of course we took her in ^^

sploot cat

All black and quite the charming little lady. She's still young and has a lot of curiosity.

Even the most mundane thing seems to be an adventure to her. ^^

And she's super social for a cat.

Always running around our legs (I even tripped and fell once) and always curious to whatever we're doing.

The name that was given to her is Kentucky

... but I don't really like it >< It doesn't fit her really imo.

So I'm thinking about other names and made a quite long list of suggestions but choosing one is harder than I thought 😂

I keep coming back to Luna though ^^ Her black fur and yellow eyes make me think of the night sky ><

cute cat attacks plushy gif

Anyway she's a sweety.

(Except towards my pink llama plushy which she violently attacks by its throat all the time XD)

cute black cat play gif

hiding cute black kitty


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