Hejhej Finland!

This is the last travel post from this summer. ^. ~
It was a while ago (in August) but as always - I'm slow.
Our last little trip we did was to Finland.
Since I had never been there before I was excited to go! We didn't really spend much time there - only 3 days. But the journey was long.
First we had to take the train to Stockholm, then ferry from there to Åbo/Turku and then train again a few times.

A nice view of Stockholm from the harbour.

I love to travel by boat. 😍
We spent one of our days in Tammerfors/Tampere.
It seems like a very nice city to me.
Here we visited the one and only Moomin museum in the world.
If you are a fan of Moomin this is a place for you.
Sadly though, we weren't aloud to take any pictures in the museum. ㅠㅠ

I liked it but some were a bit bored...

After the museum we took a walk at the nearby pond and befriended some ducks and had a cup of yummy ice cream. Oooo the white chocolate one was booomb 💣👍😍

We also went to the market hall and browsed around the stalls and had a yummy lunch at a restaurant in a corner called "the four seasons". (Les 4 Saisons)

TY had a cauliflower soup and it was so good! 😍

My over all feeling of Finland after this is that it feels very similar to Sweden. Both in nature (lakes and forests) and architecture and food (everything we ate was soooo yummy! Really!)
But one thing that made me a bit confused was that Finland also uses Swedish in some areas. So in one moment I couldn't understand anything (I know 10 Finnish words. tops! And Finnish doesn't have many words where guessing is possible.) and then in the next moment I get information in my mother tongue.
So I was constantly having this feeling of being lost or having total comprehension.

As I mentioned, the food was yum!
Well most of what we ate were things that we also eat in Sweden, but I was happy that I got the chance to try karjalanpiirakka - karelian pirogs/pies!
They had a very comforting taste to them.
I think I must make some myself one day!
I also had a very delicious reindeer. Mmm... With lingonberries and mashed potatoes and some sour cream... Yum yum yum! 😋

My favourite thing from the trip though, was the sauna. A sauna by a lake and just sit there and get hotter and hotter and then when it's enough you get up and the cool lake is right outside waiting for you. 😍

That was way better than to just swim in a lake without preheating.
We did that first day and the air was quite cold and the water too so I was hesitant to get in.
*Just get in! It's all right once you're in!*
To round this post up; here is pic of a dog rounder than the globe we call home.
Haha! Hej hej! 👋
