Going deeper / Hello Norway
Camping roadtrip - Day 2

The trip continues and we hit the road again this time with a wet tent full of pine needles. We ended up travelling the whole day up north thru Norway until we stopped at Hunderfossen outside of Lillehammer.

It was a quite calm and quiet spot. Well, at least it looked quiet. ^^ Except for the noise from the nearby road there were trains passing by and woke me up a few times during the night.
We had some bbq and hotdogs and of course, marshmallows 😋 for dinner.

After dinner we took a little walk to the dam the place supposedly got it's name from and then we tucked ourselves in for another night out in the open.

We also had a bit of a mishappening. ><
By accident some of our camping cushions (is that the right word?) got smeared with dog poo 💩 😂
Yuck! 😫 We discovered that only when we were packing up the tent in the morning xP

Our mascot for this trip - Malte 2 (I have that plushy too and gave it the name Malte so this one became Malte 2) or 'M2' for short. ^^

Actually, not so much happened this day but we made up for it the next day which was packed with beautiful sights... 😍 👍