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Going deeper / Hello Norway


Camping roadtrip - Day 2

hunderfossen vy

The trip continues and we hit the road again this time with a wet tent full of pine needles. We ended up travelling the whole day up north thru Norway until we stopped at Hunderfossen outside of Lillehammer.

hunderfossen lillehammer

It was a quite calm and quiet spot. Well, at least it looked quiet. ^^ Except for the noise from the nearby road there were trains passing by and woke me up a few times during the night. We had some bbq and hotdogs and of course, marshmallows 😋 for dinner.

marsmallows is a must when camping

After dinner we took a little walk to the dam the place supposedly got it's name from and then we tucked ourselves in for another night out in the open.

norway summer sunset

three happy girls camping in norway

We also had a bit of a mishappening. ><

By accident some of our camping cushions (is that the right word?) got smeared with dog poo 💩 😂 Yuck! 😫 We discovered that only when we were packing up the tent in the morning xP

malte - m2

Our mascot for this trip - Malte 2 (I have that plushy too and gave it the name Malte so this one became Malte 2) or 'M2' for short. ^^

sheep on the road

Actually, not so much happened this day but we made up for it the next day which was packed with beautiful sights... 😍 👍


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