No plan Norway.
Hi there! Today is a busy day packing and arranging because today we are going to... *bam bam baaam*... London! Yaay! It's only for the weekend but yaay!!
(sorry I couldn't upload when I was writing so when uploading this I'm already back from London 😂) But today it's not about London but somewhere much closer - Norway. Our little roadtrip. I still want to write about that here. XD London can wait!

So after leaving Årjäng we crossed the border and headed southwest from Oslo. Where were we going? We didn't really know. We had our tents and the only plan we had was to find a nice and breathtaking beautiful spot where we could put them up. The day before a friend hinted us about Notodden - a quite small city located prettily in a fjord a few hours from Oslo. Great! When we came there we found that very old Heddal stave church from beginning of 13th century and took a quick look at it.
It had that viking feeling to it. ^^

But then it was time to find somewhere we could settle for the night. Not so easy. I didn't want to sleep in the deep forest where bears and wolves might come and have me for supper. No thank you. We continued our way heading towards Rjukan. Our tummies started rumbling and we found a resting place where we could have some dinner and just relax and enjoy this view.

Me feeling less stressed and all our tummies being full of meat and potatoes packed everything up again and continued the journey. We found this wonderful place - Tinnsjø.

And there was a nice camping there. Not according to the plan but hey, the location was so good and having access to toilets and showers was worth it. It cost 180 NOK per tent and night. It was such a lovely fresh evening with a clear sky, surrounded by mountains and mosquitoes.. Quite the opposite when we woke up the morning after. I mean the mosquitoes were still there but it was raining and raining and some water got into our tent ><.

After a quick breakfast in the car we went to Rjukan. Now, Rjukan is a small town located in the valley beneath Gaustatoppen (1883 m) and during half of the year the valley can't get any sunshine because of the mountain above blocking the sun. But the people of Rjukan can take this Krossobanen - an aerial cable car - to get up and out of the valley to get sunlight. That's what we did (not for sunlight though since it's summer but for the nice view over Rjukan and Gaustatoppen). And the view was awesome!

For some reason I get a bit stiff and nervous from heights... 😂
Here I resemble a little 'halmeoni'

We tried again and got a decent photo. ><

Well after that we just had lunch and decided to go back to Sweden. XD Our tents were wet and it was continually raining so we were longing for home. ><
It was a short but nice trip and I also got to bring a favorite back with me - Norwegian sheep salami. *yum* 😋
