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Out in the Open 


Camping roadtrip - Day 1

camping rossö

A quite spontaneous - or should I say 'poorly planned' roadtrip started yesterday early evening. We headed north from Gothenburg and drove for about an hour and a half. We hadn't booked any camping ground for the night but found one in the outskirts of Strömstad.

blueberry pine tree forest

It's nice and cozy here and located by a small bay and in the pine tree and blueberry forest.

hugged by the forest

Here we spent our first night on our trip. The trip didn't start very well though. Upon arriving Nd opening the trunk our watermelon fell out and cracked. And then a second time fell from the car and got totally smashed.

sad watermelon

And when we started to put up the tent we did it totally wrong at first. ⛺ When we were content with the appearance of our tent we headed to the bay. TY immediately went out for a hunt for crabs and oysters and got some for a small supper.

clam and oyster

cute crab

The day ended with a cozy time with a chitchat and snacks in the tent and a.. not so comfortable sleep. XD

enjoying first day of camping

car all set for camping


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