Going back / A day at sea
The summer is over.
Or I don't even know if we could call it summer. XD Some said that this was the worst summer in 50 years, others said 155 years... ㅠㅠ
But I kind of enjoyed the cool days. Jeju was so hot when we left so it has been refreshing. X)
Now we can look forward to a cool and fresh autumn in Jeju so I'm happy.
It's time to go back.
.. but one of my best memories from this summer was that day we were out around the islands in Bohuslän with my cousins boat.
We had the best weather and the first destination was Vasholmarna - some tiny islets that are all almost naked of vegetation except a few flowers here and there.

I just love Gullholmen. 😍 all those cute houses build right next to eachother and supported by stones..

We took a walk around the village and found this cute miniature house! 😁 Or is it a post box?

That day we even got to bathe and swim for a bit at the south part of Härmanö, a bath called Champagnebadet - The champagne bath.

It was a bit tricky to get into it though because of all the hidden sunken rocks. But I loved it.

An attempt to water selfie.

After a refreshing bath we dried up and headed back to where we started.
On our way we spotted this super cute seal lying on a cliff sunbathing. 😍
This is as close as we could go. Didn't want to scare the little fella. ^^

Well now we're back in Korea & totally jet lagged.
Happy happy!