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Winter Waterfall


winter waterfall donnaeko

Already one year passed. Yesterday we celebrated 4 years together.

I can't believe how fast time flies! My wish was to just have some peaceful time in nature this time - just the two of us.

There is something special about being out in nature where there are no other people and no buildings in sight. Few or no traces of human interference. At those times I somehow feel rich. Like it's all mine, if only for a moment.

rest in nature

We filled up a thermos with hot water and bought some snacks and cup ramen at a convenience store along the road and drove to Donnaeko - not for bathing this time since its winter >< But upon arriving TY really felt like bathing anyway but soon realised we hadn't brought any towels so he gave up that idea. ^^

rest in nature

It was cozy enough to sit there with an almost ok cup of noodles and then a cup of almost hot chocolate.

Even though the water flow was low it feels quite luxurious to have a pretty waterfall less than an hour from home.

To be able to go somewhere to just be.

winter waterfall

I am so happy to be able to share moments like these with my favorite person in the whole world. (;

love couple pose picture

sipping tea at waterfall

throwing stone in waterfall gif


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