Matchless Mocha Cake
Meringue and mocha butter cream... Yum..! 😋

Mocha is never a bad idea. At least for me because I love coffee flavored everything - even though I cannot drink coffee anymore on a daily basis because this sensitive little tummy of mine ã… ã… , but I still love it.
Today I'm sharing a recipe that is actually not very simple. It's not very complicated either, but there a few things that could quite easily go wrong and ruin the whole thing.
It's one that my grandmother used to make for festive moments and celebrations and for me it was always the highlight of the occasion. My mum also baked it a couple of times and it's basically my favourite cake.
Thinking that our 2 year anniversary (last week) was festive enough to celebrate with a little bit of mocca cake I decided to try it out for the first time myself - but instead of a full cake I made two smaller mini cakes or big pastries.
It is very heavy and sweet so instead of two servings (I made it just for the two of us but we couldn't eat it all at once) I'd say this recipe is for at least 4 servings.
One good thing about it is that it's gluten free.
Okay(ke) let's bake! 😄
I n g r e d i e n t s
(4 servings)
2 egg whites
150 gr sugar

Egg cream
2 egg yolks
1 tbs potato starch
1,5 dl milk

Butter cream
125 gr butter (room temperature)
75 - 100gr powdered sugar
1 tsp vanilla sugar (real vanilla!)

+ Super strong coffee (instant coffee)
(for that mocha flavor)
D i r e c t i o n s
1.Whip the egg whites and sugar together in a non-greasy bowl. If using an electric whip then start on medium speed until it starts to get fluffy and then go to higher speed. When the meringue is thick enough and not runny place it on a baking sheet covered oven tray. I used a big round cookie cutter as a template (?) to make each meringue about the same size since I was going to use them for layering the cakes.
3 meringues/cake.

2. Bake in the oven at 150° C for 1,5 h.
(130°C for baking in a convection oven)

Egg cream
1. Mix all the ingredients in a saucepan and let it simmer while constantly stirring until it thickens. The thickening happened suddenly in a moment so stay alert!
2. When thickened put aside to cool down a bit while making the butter cream.

Butter cream
1. Mix ingredients in a bowl until you get a smooth paste. Start with the lowest amount of sugar and then add up until you've got a nice thickness to it.

Coffee flavoring
I took a couple of spoons of instant coffee and poured a few drops of warm water in it and then stirred with a spoon until it dissolved.
Became more like a paste than actual drinkable coffee.

Now, carefully mix the egg cream and the butter cream together and add the coffee flavoring a bit at a time until you have a cream with rich and nice mocha taste.
Don't forget to lick the bowl! 😄

That's all for the baking and the rest is assembling it into pretty pastries and this is where it got tough for me 😂. I'm more about taste than looks but... 😶
Anyhow, I just layered 3 meringues with mocca cream for each and then covered the top and sides with cream and lastly piped out in a "pretty pattern" 😂.

I also decorated with heart shaped cookies I made a few days earlier since this was for our anniversary. 💕

Psst! If you want to make a full sized cake instead just double the ingredients. 😉