Green Tangerine Curd and Ade
Today I'll share two simple recipes that can be made with the use of unripened tangerines and they're both quite (or very) simple.

The reason why we picked green tangerines last week was to make a syrup from the fruit which then is consumed like a lemonade, basically. Ripened tangerines are very sweet and is better for making juice rather than ade. But the green ones have a nice tartness to them that is perfect for this purpose.

To make this syrup one will need: Green tangerines - quite many (a couple of pounds at least) A load of sugar (I can't say exact measurements in this case - just that it's quite a lot depending on how much tangerines one uses.)
A clean big jar with airtight lid

Step 1 is to wash the tangerines and make sure they're clean - especially non-organic ones.
Washing with baking powder and vinegar was recommended to us and so that's what we did, but that's probably only one way out of hundred to do it. ^^ We simply put the fruits in "a bath" with baking powder (a bit special Korean one that is used for cleaning fruits and veggies) and some vinegar and let them rest there for a while.
Then we rinsed under water and scrubbed a bit with a clean kitchen towel or dishcloth

When the fruit is nice and clean it's time for Step 2 - finely slice up the tangerines into thin disks.

Step 3 - put them in the jar and pour sugar over them. The juices will slowly seap out of the tangerines and make them shrink and there will be room for more tangerines in the jar.
So just slice up some more and add along with more sugar on top.
And then when the jar is finally full, put it in the fridge and let the juice and the sugar do it's thing ^^ Easy peasy, right? The steps are simple but it does take some time with washing, slicing and waiting for it to shrink and so on, but it will be worth it in the end when one can sit there with a hot or cold tangy homemade drink at the end. ;) Okay, then let's move on to the second recipe; Green Tangerine Curd!

I just love curd. Every single curd I've tasted. The combination of that beautiful yellow color, fresh and tart flavor with that silky smooth texture. Yummmm! ;P
I usually end up just eating it with a spoon and forgetting about crackers or scones or whatever that usually goes along with it. >< (which is exactly what I'm doing at the time of writing this XD) This curd is slightly sweeter than lemon curd since the tangerine juice is not as sour as a regular lemon. I love it - and it was extra fun to make since its made of fruit I picked myself!

I n g r e d i e n t s Juice from 3-4 green tangerines Zest of 1 lemon 1 egg + 2 egg yolks 2 dl sugar 100 grams butter A pinch of salt D i r e c t i o n s 1. Whip the egg, egg yolks and sugar in a bowl for a couple of minutes until the consistency is even and slightly fluffy. 2. Put the bowl into a boiling water bath (the bowl goes into a pot with hot water in it on the stove - medium heat is fine) 3. Add lemon zest, tangerine juice and a tiny pinch of salt. 4. Stir until it thickens and leaves traces on the spoon (this will take about 10+ minutes) 5. Cut the butter into small cubes and add into the cream while stirring until it all melted and blended well. 6. Let the curd cool down and put in the fridge. 7. Enjoy your fabulous homemade tangerine curd! \(^^,)/ ((Keep refrigerated and I'd say it should stay fine for a week or so. ))
