Makgeolli Bread
Yaass! This is finally happening! 😄 It's been a while - both since the last post and since I posted a recipe here. But today is the day!
I finally got it right!
I've tried to make this bread one time before - I think it was last year - but it ended in a disaster with a ruined pot and cheese cloth. I simply didn't put enough water in it too steam and so it burned. And so the first try was a failure but now the second a success! 😄 Yaay!
It turned out really good and moist with a slightly boozy taste and within a day it was all gone (!) since we are two cookie monsters in this house.. ^^ We simply couldn't help ourselves from devouring it all!! ^^

There actually isn't that much use of an oven in the traditional Korean kitchen and so there isn't that much baking happening either for the obvious reason. Instead the traditional goodies, for example rice cakes, are typically made thru steaming, boiling, pounding or stir-frying.
Now, I do love me some nice cake or bread baking but I wanted to make a Korean style cake.
So, that's what I did - makgeolli bread. 😁 - 막걸리빵
Makgeolli is a Korean cloudy rice wine that is very commonly consumed by the older generations (however there are a lot of flavored makgeolli to be found around hip/young places in Seoul f.e Hongdae since it's quite popular among the younger generation nowadays as well😉) It usually has around 6-9% of alcohol and is slightly sparkling.
Since this bread contains alcohol let's be careful and not eat and drive, shall we? 😂
Not even kidding. I've heard stories about people eating this and failing the police's breathing test because that blow thingy (breathalyzer) gave it away >< Anyway I'm not sure if that's totally true but being careful can't hurt!
Now, let's bake! 😄

I n g r e d i e n t s
2 eggs
1,5 tsp vanilla sugar
1,5 dl brown sugar
1,5 - 2 dl makgeolli rice wine
4,5 dl all purpose flour
2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
optional toppings
- I used dried cranberries & black sesame seeds
Other things you need
steaming basket
cheese cloth
big pot with lid
D i r e c t i o n s
1. Whisk the eggs with the brown sugar and vanilla sugar until it's nice and fluffy.
2. Add the makgeolli to the egg batter.
3. Mix the baking powder with the flour and sift into the batter, then add the salt and fold it in. Don't over-mix the batter.
4. In a big pot pour some water in to place the steam basket and spread the cheese cloth in the basket. Pour the batter into the cheese cloth, sprinkle the toppings and cover with a lid. 5. Set the stove to medium heat and let steam for about 30-40 min. Be sure to check up on it midway and fill up with some water if it evaporated. Check with a chopstick or similar - if it comes out clean it's done!