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Green Tangerine


fruit  love - cute doodle on photo

Another typhoon came and is slowly leaving the island this morning.

I don't think I have ever before experienced this amount of bad weather in such a short period of time.

Its like a constant flow and has basically been raining for months.

New storms and weathers coming in every other week or even more often than that.

But in between those rainy, gloomy days - that I usually love but start getting tired of at this point XD - we got a few sunny days to enjoy some other activities.

This past weekend we went to a tangerine plantation in south east part of Jeju in an area called Namwon to pick some tangerines!

picking green tangerines

Now, it's actually not time yet for the real harvest of those orange plump beauties, but that's not want we intended to do anyway.

We actually went there to pick green unripened tangerines - also called 청귤 (cheonggyul). ^^

Why would we do that?

I'll show you soon in my next post ^. ~

jeju green tangerine

This was my first time picking tangerines - something I've been wanting to try for a long time.

It's both sweaty, hard work and a fun relaxing activity at the same time, especially if one succeeds to dodge all the hiding spiders and attacking mosquitoes >< haha

puppy hiding among tangerine trees

There was also this little friend there sneaking around the little trees who wanted to supervise our work and see that everything was going smoothly. ^^

He didn't reject our cuddle attacks but didn't seem to be very into the sour unripened fruits (:

cute puppy guarding the tangerine plantation

befriending a puppy

excited to pick tangerines

green tangerines jeju


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