a hidden lagoon

It's rainy season. The sky's tears seems to have no end to them. Most people might say that rain is equal to no fun, but I don't agree. Well at least not when it comes to warm summer rain. ^^
Anyway I'm just going to post some pictures from yesterday's little adventure which included lots and lots of rain water.
The rain stopped pouring for a while in the early afternoon yesterday (not yesterday anymore - it took me a while to finish this post XD) and we had some free time to do whatever and so out we went. Headed towards the mountains.
A few weeks ago we noticed a sign on a mountain road that said '추억의 숲길' - 'the reminiscing forest trail' and pointed to stairs leading down into the forest.

I thought it sounded enticing and mysterious and wanted to go back and explore. Well, one thing about Jeju is that there are some places that are really nothing special but just made to seem special with fancy names and everything. 😂
Well it was a nice 5 min walk in a somewhat dark and forest before we ended up on the same road maybe ten meters away. Nothing wrong with this little trail. Just not at all that special. Just a normal little slightly muddy path leading through the woods. ><

The rare pearls are usually found by mistake, in my opinion. We had brought our bathingsuits and towels and filled my backpack with some snacks and went to good old Donnaeko instead.
The main entrances and stairs leading down to the valley and the waterfall was closed off (they often do this after heavy rain for safety reasons) but we found another old path leading further down the stream.

Some light rain was falling at the time but we skipped around the stoney valley and found a little pool or almost a little lagoon there. :O

It was so pretty and such a calming place with no-one else but us around and the raindrops hitting its surface. So tranquil.

I wasn't feeling like taking a dip at first but later when I was just about to change into bathing suit TY was done and wanted to leave.
I guess I'm always too slow for everything 😂
Next time I guess! On a really hot day that cold water will feel like a fresh breeze! 💜
