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Gooey no-bake 'Chokladbollar'


happy swedish chokladbollar

Spring has finally come! Today was a 19 degrees warm day with clear skies and sunshine! โ˜€

It felt so good and springy!

This winter was a bit rough ๐Ÿ˜‘. Although we did have many cozy and snowy days enough is enough and I'm glad it's over ๐Ÿ˜‚.

All these springy feelings urged me to make or bake something! ๐Ÿ˜„

The most yummy treats - IMO - are both the easiest and quickest to make and don't even need an oven; Chokladbollar!

chocolate balls a.k.a coconut balls a.k.a call-it-whatever-you-want... Yaay! ^o^

rainbow chocolate balls

I made half of them with shredded coconut and the other half with rainbow sprinkles. ๐Ÿ™‚

kalla den vad du vill | call it whatever you want

I n g r e d i e n t s

(ca 20 small balls - I got 19 but I may have eaten some of the dough so... ๐Ÿ˜’)

2,5 dl oats

100 gr room temperatured butter

(if salted skip the added salt - or do whatever fits your tastebuds ^^)

1 dl brown sugar

2 tbs cocoa powder

1,5 tsp vanilla sugar (real vanilla!)

dash of salt

(especially needed if the butter is unsalted)

1,5 tbs strong black coffee

or 1,5 tbs cold water



Shredded Coconut

Sugar nibs

yum yum chokladbollar

D i r e c t i o n s

1. Cut the butter into little cubes.

2. Take a nice and big bowl and put the butter and all the ingredients - except the sprinkles or coconut - in it and get those hands dirty and mix mix mix!

If you don't like getting your hands sticky I suggest that you put on plastic gloves. ๐Ÿ‘

3. Now when it has turned into a nice dough with no lumps of butter left in it, it's time to make them into balls!

[protip! XD - if the dough got too loose from the kneeding put it in the fridge for 10 min or so ๐Ÿ‘]

Take a plate and sprinkle a good amount of whatever topping you chose.

The take a little bit dough and roll it into a ball using your hands or two spoons.

Coat them all evenly with sprinkles or coconut aaand it's done!

4. Eat to your heart's content because we all know how good oat is for the tummy right? ๐Ÿ˜


Hej hej! \(^o^)/

ooey gooey deliciousness - chokladboll

rainbow no-bake chocolate ball treats

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