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Sweet Potato Latte



Today we are feeling a bit under the weather so we're just home resting and getting all cozy.

I thought I should share a super simple recipe that is perfect for a chilly autumn day like this one - Sweet Potato Latte.

sweet potato latte - doodle

Yes, it might sound odd (I thought so too before I tried it) but it's a quite common drink here in Korea - 고구마 라떼 (goguma latte).

sweet potato latte - ingredients

I n g r e d i e n t s

for 1 cup of hot sweet potato latte 1,5 - 2 dl milk

half of a sweet potato (steamed)

1-2 tsp brown sugar 1 tsp maple syrup (optional)

D i r e c t i o n s

  1. The first step is actually to steam the sweet potatoes. I do this in a pot or in the rice cooker with 1 or 2 dl water and let it steam for about 25 min. If you don't want to steam then I guess it would be ok to just boil them instead..

  2. Take one half of a potato and peel of the skin and cut into smaller pieces.

  3. Put the pieces in a blender and pour in half of the milk and blend together.

  4. Now add the rest of the ingredients and blend again until smooth.

  5. Heat up the mixture in a pot until it's all bubbling, pour it into a cute mug and enjoy your cup of coziness.

This is sooo easy and quick to make and made me all 맨도롱 또똣 inside! 😊 ☕

sweet potato latte - doodle - goguma latte recipe


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