We are squirrels.
"squirrels running down and up the stems collecting all that shines and sparkles to them hords memories in their albums and minds or random knowledge of all kinds Pip's the collector of nutty thoughts puzzles and metaphores she caught The sweet little one reading in the nook gathers all emotions she finds in every book"
- by me ^^

A little rhyme I made some time ago after finding a metaphore, or thought, I liked.
We are all squirrels. Or whatever small cute animal that rushes around collecting things. ^^
But what do we collect? It's different for everyone I think. Some collects things, others memories. People like me collects random, slightly weird metaphores and writes them down in a journal or posts it on a blog haha. (I hope I'm not the only one? XD)
Anyway, nowadays I haven't been writing (well I have been writing - just not here ><) and posting much here so I just wanted to do that. The longer I wait the harder it gets. 🤷🏼♂️ Silly, isn't it?
I think, I feel like I keep changing and keep posting more random things than before but I actually just want to write what I want to write. Freely. Without any sort of pressure. And nowadays I like drawing and writing little rhymes and poems. 🌱
What have you've been up to lately? What hobbies helped keep your mind sane this year?