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A winter's memory


husky dogs resting

This month I took a trip down memory lane on my hard drive and realized 8 years have passed since me, big sis and two friends took the forever train (aka the polar express ^^) from Gothenburg to the far north of Sweden.

The first of two times (so far) I've done that.

Boarding a train and arriving almost a whole day later (about 20 h) is really something.

Some would probably call it a waste of time but I kind of enjoy it, traveling slowly.

One can grasp the distances in a different way and have a lot of time to get excited and meditate about the trip and even then still have plenty of time left for a good sleep.

the "forever train" on its way to the far north of Sweden

I also think that being quite homesick this winter I started dreaming about the seemingly endless evergreen forests and seeing real winter with a lot of snow like the ones they get in the north.

Last years winter in Jeju was abundant in snow (at least for being Jeju 😉) and we had some rather happy days playing in it and making lanterns and an igloo and such but this winter the "big snow" was nothing more than a thin layer of white powder on the cars and roofs that melted away within a few hours...

Anyway, it's hard to think that such a long time passed since this trip!

I had at least five good reasons to love that trip;

One. Riding a Husky sleigh for the first time!

huskys getting ready to run!
These dogs thought the weather was quite hot that day so they were snacking on some snow during the run ^^

beautiful huskies

befriending some husky dogs
New friends

Two. Staying at the breathtakingly (is that a word?) beautiful Ice Hotel in Jukkasjärvi.

icehotel in jukkasjarvi 2011
May not look like much from the outside but...

the pillar hall of the icehotel sweden 2011

amazing ice sculpture ice hotel

ice sculpture car - ice hotel

ice sculpture pillars

Three. The dreamy northern lights we chased on the thick ice of the Torne river.

Four. Waking up after a night's sleep in -5°C (surprisingly still alive XD)

Five. Watching the starry night sky and aurora from the window of "the forever train" back home.

Oh! I almost forgot!

Six.Having a toast and coffee break in a cozy tee-pee must be on the list as well!

sami tee-pee

tea break outdoors
such a modest cup of tea made the most memorable tea break

tee-pee fire

I can't help getting this cozy winter feeling while looking back at these pictures.

frozen torne river

ice sculpture ice hotel - fish? human? mermaid?


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