I love the landscape of Jeju! As soon as you come a bit outside of the city here there is nature. Everywhere. Thick thick woods, oreums (crater hills in Jeju), nice beaches with the black volcanic rocks, waterfalls, and of course the silhouette of Hallasan.
The vegetation here is thicker and heavier than anything I've seen before!
(I am used to the Swedish woods and that's mostly what I compare with. ^^)
I sometimes say that "I can't see the landscape and the forest because of all this nature and vegetation. Most woods looks like they're drowning in vines!
Anyway, it looks quite cool to me and I some of the times feel a need to go in there and see what it looks like from the inside but (!) I am also a scaredy cat when it comes to bugs and spiders xS
And there is an abundance of bugs and spiders and a lot of other lovely creatures on this island I can assure you!
I guess I have to stay content with the other more airy and open pine forests here for now.
This picture below here is an example of what the woods usually look like here . All covered up in cozy leafy stuff :)

What would Jeju be without the horses?
The cute ponies that you can see here and there and everywhere, kind of.
The most common animal you usually see in Sweden though is cows. So, I have been thinking a bit about it: isn't there any cows here? We always see horses, but cows?
Hmm... But at the supermarket you can buy "Jeju milk"? XO
I sure hope they don't milk those horses! XD Then *Poof!* Suddenly I see cows here and there too!
I even ended up walking through their pasture and got a bit more close to them than I planned for x)

Those cows had a nice view! If you like you are welcome to take a look at our adventurous day climbing oreum, befriending cows, running around on slippery cliffs near Seongsan Sunrise Peak and exploring the tiny-hermit-crab-rich waters! I'm not the best filmmaker XD but I enjoy recording and sharing!
So enjoy!