The hot summer is history and we can all start to breathe again
(no gills needed! - Summer was that humid yes!)
One down side of the cooling weather is that the mosquitoes start to bug you though.
But no!
Now we are thinking about all the lovely things about autumn!
The warm days and cool nights, the pretty sights and the cozy tea drinking part
(Or any other hot beverage!)
But yes, we are in early October now I know I know.. BUT!
I wanted to share what Jeju has to offer in September..
Maybe you are planning on visiting here next year? ;)
I guess October has a part in this too.
Anyway I'm not an expert but
I have seen some pretty sights during this last month
and during last years September too.
So I thought; Why don't I share this?
So this is my list (? kind of) of what I enjoy viewing in Jeju in September~early fall!
When you start seeing these pretty and cute flowers around you know that fall is about to start.
This is one sign that marks beginning of fall.
That sounded so strange to me first time though x}
I mean what?! Blooming flowers in autumn?
Isn't autumn supposed to be falling leaves
and that blooming part is something that spring takes care of?
At least where I come from that's what autumn is.
No pink happy flowers like these... ><

(buckwheat field in bloom)
This I didn't notice last year but it's so cute!
As my Honey said, it looks a bit like snow on grass.
These photos are from a field near Seongsan and isn't it pretty?

However there is a big field on the mountain that is popular for viewing buckwheat flowers in September. That field lies on around 1000m above sealevel and has a really nice view!
Sadly though, because of the heavy rain this September the field got kind of ruined. 😢
I guess I have to wait another year to see it...

🍊 Gyul - Tangerines ripening 🍊
What would Jeju be without these juicy and sweet little thingys?
I prefer tangerines to be just a tiny bit sour because sometimes they are too sweet for me.
Anyway. Yummy and pretty to look at!
I think most tangerines are fully ripened in beginning of October (Yaay October!)

Ok! That's all September!
I hope you had a lovely September and I wish you a lovely day!