Fall at Sangumburi

The day before yesterday me, Taeyang and a Japanese friend went for a little drive and went to a park called Sangumburi which actually is the name of a volcanic crater.

We got some nice pictures of the typical autumn grass 억세꽃 (eokseggot) - which English name I don't know, and Hallasan as background.
The fields of eokse get a bit pink hue to them.

Me and TY went to this park in spring but the view was quite different at that time...

..And so was the numbers of visitors. 😂 At the end of May there was maybe ten visitors in the whole park but this week was c r o w d e d.
We had to stand in line to the photozone that was totally empty in May.

This park actually has an entrance fee. Adult is 6000 won but it reduces to 4000 if you are a Jeju resident. There is also a snack shop inside where they have simple food like hot dog and corn dog and similar stuff. We didn't try it out though.
The sunshine and fresh air made our tummies rumble so we had a bowl of kalguksu (칼국수) which is a non-spicy noodle soup with chicken and leek - really nice when the weather gets chilly.

The last pictures is from the black beach of Samyang where we stopped for a while to just walk a bit along the beach and have a chat.
It was a cozy afternoon all in all. 🤗
Byebye for now~
