Hot Spring in Jeju

I didn't know there was any hot springs here in Jeju until last week when that subject happened to come up during class.
That hint came in just right time since we had our 2nd anniversary this week! 😄
I was already thinking about if we should spend a few relaxing hours at a jjimjilbang somewhere but I preferred this (they have jjimjilbang and normal Korean sauna at this place as well though ^^) because it meant we could be outside in the cold fresh winter air while staying warm and cozy in a hot bath.

Sanbangsan carbon hot spring (산방산 탄산 온천) is apparently the only hot spring in Jeju but they say it's somewhat of a rare type of spring because of the carbonated (?) water.
The skin absorbs the carbonic acid gas and that is suppose to enhance blood circulation and lower blood pressure and so on..
Sounds good to me. 😉

We began our anniversary day with getting up awfully early at 5.30 am to drive east to Seongsan to see the sunrise. TY didn't bring any jacket 😑 and it was freeeezing by the sea! *brrr*
Within minutes our hands had turned into red icicles 😂

However, later in the afternoon at the hot spring when I was sunbathing in a deckchair that freezing wind felt like a cool summer breeze 😎.
The water was rather hot and so we kept popping out of the water and then jumping back in when we had cooled off. Kind of like a slomo Whack-a-mole. ^^

The outdoor part of the spa is shared by men, women and children so one has to wear a bathing suit. So I did. But I still felt a bit "naked" because most of the other guests were wearing long sleeves and shorts or tights.
This is very common in Korea. A typical Korean style bathing outfit looks more like a wet suit or workout clothes to me. Even many men wear a t-shirt to cover themselves.

I put a shirt on him here 😊
I thought that he wouldn't like being too much exposed here so... ^^
Anyway I wasn't the only one wearing a basic sport bathing suit - I saw at least 3 others - but not a single one was wearing a bikini and that can be good to know. If you're in Korea and want to fit in, then leave the bikini at home. 😊

Also I think winter is the best time for this since the summers here gets really tough. 😥
That was the outdoors... The indoor pools however is gender separated and all NAKED. 😑
It was a nice experience all in all and I would like to go back another time. 😊
Also, I've put together some moments of our happy day in a tiny clip! 😄

Sanbangsan Mountain Tansan Hot Springs
(제주산방산 탄산온천)
Address: 192, Sagyebuk-ro 41beon-gil, Andeok-myeon, Seogwipo-si, Jeju-do
제주특별자치도 서귀포시 안덕면 사계북로41번길 192
Admission fee
Adult 12000 won + 3000 for hot spring*
(*Jeju residents adult 8000 won + 3000 for hs)
