Orange Fall

Bright yellow, warm orange, deep red..
Most of us probably already associate fall with warm colours but I felt that the fall here in Jeju can have a bit extra of these warm colours.
From the yellow ginkgo trees...

.. to crimson Japanese maples..

.. and then Jeju's bright orange tangerines..

And why not a field of intensively orange cosmos flowers? 😮

This was at a hill in Hamdeok called Seoubong (one of my favorite places!) and I happened to spot it from afar when we were out driving. I asked TY why the hill is super orange and so I suspected it to be orange cosmos and we went there to take a look and it was soooo pretty. My eyes were so happy!

< 3

field of gold
I'm still getting used to seeing flowers during the "wrong" seasons...
Another yellow (or orange) coloured favorite during this season is..

.. ê³ êµ¬ë§ˆ! Roasted Sweet potatoes! 😄 Yum!
Under the ginkgo trees we found someone's artwork!
Can you recognize which character it is? ^^

So cute!!
Btw here is a link to a montage of last year's fall in Jeju ^. ~
Ta-tah for now! ^^
