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Orange Fall


Bright yellow, warm orange, deep red..

Most of us probably already associate fall with warm colours but I felt that the fall here in Jeju can have a bit extra of these warm colours.

From the yellow ginkgo trees...

golden pathway of faen ginkgo

golden ginkgo in fall

.. to crimson Japanese maples..

crimson japanese maple

.. and then Jeju's bright orange tangerines..

jeju tangerine

And why not a field of intensively orange cosmos flowers? 😮

is this a field of gold?

This was at a hill in Hamdeok called Seoubong (one of my favorite places!) and I happened to spot it from afar when we were out driving. I asked TY why the hill is super orange and so I suspected it to be orange cosmos and we went there to take a look and it was soooo pretty. My eyes were so happy!

< 3

eye candy - orange cosmos flower field in Jeju island

field of gold

I'm still getting used to seeing flowers during the "wrong" seasons...

Another yellow (or orange) coloured favorite during this season is..

roasted sweet potato!

.. 고구마! Roasted Sweet potatoes! 😄 Yum!

Under the ginkgo trees we found someone's artwork!

Can you recognize which character it is? ^^

someone has been very creative with fallen leaves

So cute!!

Btw here is a link to a montage of last year's fall in Jeju ^. ~

Ta-tah for now! ^^

autumn hues


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