
Nokkome oreum is an obvious favorite for me. I don't know how many times we've climbed it now... Maybe 5 times? At least ^^

Something about it feels like home.
The view at the top is simply the best. One can get a good view of Hallasan, the ocean and Sanbangsan in the west along with so many other oreums in the foreground.

We could see all the way to mainland Korea

This day the weather was perfect! The sky was clear blue without even the smallest cloud. But I feel like this place looks good in any weather. Last time it got all foggy and that made it feel cool and a bit mysterious ^^

Pretty Silver Grass

Looking at the view towards the mountain it gives me a feeling of the Swedish nature. All the evergreen trees and not a house in sight. It just gives me that feeling of being... free.
Just nature and me.

Nature can also comfort my homesickness that often hits me at this time of year.

Sometimes I can't help wondering if maybe someone is secretly living in the forest on the mountain... ^^ What do you think?

Every time we go I wish I had brought some simple picnic food but I/we always forget. This time we didn't even have a bottle of water with us ><

.. but we were just as happy anyways x)