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Treasure hunt


Yesterday the sun peeked out again after a number of cloudy rainy days and so we felt like going out to taste the sun and wind! I brewed some ginger tea to bring and shoved a chocolate bar in the backpack and then we scooted.

glimmering treasures

Since the sea here at Jeju is as beautiful all year round, it felt like the place to go. Ideally finding a spot with few people around. So we headed east. For some reason, the eastern parts of Jeju feel more open and rich in nature areas than the west. It was the first time in a while that I was driving a car and I can say that it felt like it too.

I felt more tense and jumpy than when I just "go by automatics". I didn't really know where we were going. We ended up all the way in Seongsan before we decided on our destination. We agreed on going to a new favourite place - Hado - when we made a spontaneous stop on the road near the harbour for the ferry to Udo.

crystal clear water

Crystal clear

Oh, I could've spent half a day there while looking for colourful treasures - seashells and other sea gems. TY called it 'trash' but for me, it is a small treasure so maybe we could compromise a bit and call it a 'trashure'? ^^

my own pick of 'trashures'

A 'trashure'

The beach was completely deserted and stretched quite far and was full of "popcorn" ^^

popcorn - tiny pieces of coral

I wonder what these little popcorn could be? Maybe tiny coral skeletons? I have heard that Udo has a nice reef that hides under the surface and maybe that's why it was such an abundance of pretty seashells right here? 😮 While I was hunting for treasures he amused himself by skipping stones - which by the way he is quite good at! :O

One day I must learn that too! 😄

Then we moved on to Hado but stopped once more on the road because we had never gone there before and because it looked so nice with the rocks.

the big blue - jeju island

It really is wonderful to drive along winding coastal roads! 😀

This place was windy enough to be totally empty of people 😂 I love it though, the wind.

by the coast

singing photobomber

He always sings at the top of his lungs when we're out like this ^^

When you can feel the wind ventilate your body and get rid of all old.

Like it's blowing right thru you.

Like becoming new and fresh.

the seascape of Jeju with Udo in the background

I also found some strong survivors who refuse to give in to storm and winter!

little pretty flowers trying to survive the windy winter

In the end, we arrived at Hado - even here a nice and nearly deserted beach stretched out along the bay but also a large bird sanctuary where countless species of birds are gathered around a kind of lake with brackish water.

Apparently a paradise for ornithologists. I strained my eyes to see an eagle or spoon stork but they are probably quite rare even here... ..or it might just have been the wrong season XD

Hado bird sanctuary, jeju island

It is so cosy to go there and look for nice birds and look for seashells and look out over the beach and the sea towards Udo.

Hado beach

Hado sign in jeju

Here is a small clip of small moments from yesterday :)

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