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a temporary little river

Mountain rain stream

I guess June is quite generous with its rains - at least this past weekend.

When it has been raining for a day or two, I love to go out and seek out water - I love water - especially the moving kind haha 😂

Mountain rain water pool

Anyway I don't need to ramble, I just wanted to share a few pics taken from one of the temporary streams here in Jeju. I call them temporary because there is only water when there's rain or after rain so other times it's all just a bunch of dry stones.

This place is called Hallasan dullegil (한라산 둘레길) and its in the mountains in the middle of the forest. Other than a small place for parking there is nothing really there except nature of course. I don't know why I would call nature nothing since nature is e v e r y t h i n g! ^^

Skipping from one stone to another I wondered why on earth I was wearing a long skirt.

TY wearing some kind of indoor slippers didn't seem to bother him though... XD

Jumping around stones wearing slippers

I love how the water flowed down these kind of stairs. I always want to go further in and see what's behind next corner.

Maybe next time wearing a bathing suit and just go as far as I'd like wouldn't be that bad of an idea? To really release that inner adventurer of mine. ^^

Waterfall selfie
TY always making silly faces and my arm got a really scary angle 😂

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