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Hesitant Winter


It's a very hesitant kind of winter we get here in Jeju. It seems to be standing in the hallway not sure whether to come and take a seat or not.

And finally after taking a seat it gets up again to leave. Then comes back soon after.

Jeju Island scenery Andeok

I would like to tell winter to make up his mind.

If you're going to make the world cold then do it properly. Stop messing around so the other seasons have to step in to take your place.

scenic ocean view

Today's air has a bit of spring in it. It's a fake spring. Or is it a fake winter? I don't know. It's confusing ><

snowy mt halla jeju

The pictures in this post is from a walk I took somewhere in Andeok (the southwest of Jeju Island) during the last afternoon of 2019 and I liked the view a lot.

jeju winter ocean

Icy wind blew me around on the black lava rocks and it surely felt like winter that day.

I think I stayed about an hour just walking around or sitting and thinking while watching the seabirds feed and the sky change.

Then my half frozen fingers were begging me to go back to the warmth. ><


These pictures doesn't really make justice for the actual view. But I hope it can be enjoyable anyway. ^^

sunlight through clouds


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