October bath

Hej hej!
So many free days days lately! After Chuseok came Hangeul day and the weather was so good - actually way hotter than I expected; 28 degrees Celsius - so after service we had a nice lunch at home, we packed our stuff and snacks and headed for Panpo (판포) in west. It took almost 1 hour to get there from Jeju city but it was worth it!

I put together a little clip of our day...
It's actually not a beach and the water is quite deep. I saw this sign and wondered why
1. no one (including us) took notice of it?
2. why it says "no swimming". It seemed like a safe place to swim to me...?

Such clear water! 😍

Since it was so clear and emerald we could spot the fishes so easy too! 😄

Outside there was a big shoal of gray mullets (숭어). They were a bit further out but since they are quite big fishes we could see them pretty well when they jumped out of the water and stirred up the waters.

When we left Panpo we passed by the beach in Geumneung and we just had to jump out and take a beach walk in the sunset. 😍

We also met some new friends... ^^

I love hermit crabs. They are just so cute! 😄

That's all for this time. Ta-tah! 😄
