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Post Typhoon Date


relaxing by a clear waterfall pool in Jeju Island

The typhoon Lingling made a quick visit through Jeju Island this weekend and left us with a lot of rain and paths full of branches and pine needles.

Curious as we are we decided to get out of our cave and go on a little drive to take a look at the condition of the island now after the typhoon as we done before after other typhoons ^^ We had a fun and chill day with waterfalls, ocean views and yummy food.

waterfall jump gif

First we went to the coastal road in Aewol to look at the roaring ocean waves but on our way there we happened to pass by a Cuban restaurant (called La Habana in Oido) we hadn't seen before so we ordered some to take out for lunch - Cubano sandwich and some Empanadas (I'm not very familiar to Cuban food but it felt like a hybrid of taco and deep fried dumpling - Yum!) to share - and then we stopped somewhere along the coast in Aewol to have a cozy car picnic ^^

craashing waves aewol jeju

sandwich cubano jeju island

cuban food in jeju

ocean view jeju

One of the things to do in Jeju after a day of heavy rain is to see the waterfalls. Especially a waterfall called Eongtto waterfall (엉또 폭포) on the South side of Mt Halla. It's 50 meters high and there is no fee to see it, just a 5-10 minute walk from the parking lot. The thing with this waterfall is that there is no waterfall on normal days - only after a lot of rain.

eongtto waterfall jeju

eongtto waterfall jeju

I like the nature in the area and the cliff of which it falls from looks quite dramatic. It's definitely worth a visit. 👍 A quick visit to the seaside in Seogwipo City with a yummy cup of Vienna coffee...

seogwipo ocean

.. and then the grand finale of our outing... Donnaeko !

wonang waterfall donnaeko

Since the typhoon and its wind had gone through the landscape the path down to the valley was extremely messy with broken branches lying everywhere and we also didn't have any bathing suits. Well I didn't bathe even though I would have wanted to since the water was deeper and much much warmer (!) than usual.

The water of Donnaeko is usually numbing cold but it was perfectly cool and refreshing!

donnaeko jeju island

donnaeko jeju

Another thing that was perfect was the amount of people there. ^^ except for two teenage girls that left after a while there was not a soul in sight. 👌 It kind of gave the place a mysterious atmosphere.

beautiful waterfall jeju-do

alone at donnaeko valley - jeju island

Of course TY also didn't have any swimming trunks with him but that didn't stop him.

Into the blue he went with shorts and all except his top and valuables.

snorkling in clear waterfall pool jeju

I jumped around the huge stone blocks and dipped my feet in the cool stream and was as happy as ever. The pool was filled with water and the waterfall - wonang waterfall (원앙폭포) was much more fuller than on other days.

Is there anything better than relaxing in nature?

a place to breath and destress


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