A spring memory

It has been a long summer break from videos but one popped up just now on the channel!
Thought I would share a few bits here about it just because. ><

Yup. That's what we did that day.
It was a day in April actually. A very windy day. Well, at least it got windier during our stay at the top of the hill.
But because the weather was a bit odd that day the light was so special. 😍

And while being at the top of the hill we could see how the clouds sank further down and placed all around us. So nice!

The hill we went up was 백약이 오름 (baekyaki oreum) which is the same one we also climbed last year when we found a bunch of cows and cute calves at the top. ^^

This day actually started with Gokart!
It was my first time trying! 😄
But it had been raining in the morning so the track was all wet.
An "after" pic here. 😂

Totally soaked.
It seems that Heidi was enjoying it anyway.
We all did. It was so much fun!

Ta-tah for now! 😄
