tea sippers
holding so tightly with two fingers
a cup of blend of all that lingers
sipping out of a cup so delicate
never forgets the smallest etiquette
your face collected as by a mime
black coffee hiding the bottom grime
my cup is nowhere to be found
if only I could seep into the ground
a plain saucer will have to do
even though it can't hold but a few
tears of the finest tea
brewed within the secret sea
I'm balancing trying not to spill
busy keeping up with constant refill
they're shaking their heads at me
shaming for being an amputee
please, we don't need your mess
handle this with a touch of finesse
I look down at my shallow flooded plate
there's just now way for this to equate
if you think it's so easy to envelop
then why don't you try without a cup?